Industries We Serve

At our company, we specialize in processing high quality Silica Sand and China Clay to cater to the needs of highly reputed companies in various fields. We understand that the quality of the raw materials used in any industry plays a crucial role in the final product's quality. That's why we are dedicated to providing the best materials to our clients in the following industries:

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Foundry Industry

Our Silica Sand is extensively used in foundry industries for molding and casting processes. We offer high-quality foundry sand that is clean, uniformly sized, and free from any impurities.

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Container Glass Industry

Our Silica Sand is used as a raw material for the production of glass. We offer our clients glass-grade silica sand that is pure, free of impurities, and with the right particle size distribution.

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Sheet Glass Industry

Our Silica Sand is used as a raw material for the production of glass. We offer our clients glass-grade silica sand that is pure, free of impurities, and with the right particle size distribution.

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Ceramic Industry

Our China Clay is extensively used in the ceramic industry as a raw material for manufacturing ceramics. We provide our clients with high-quality China Clay that has excellent plasticity, low iron content, and excellent firing properties.

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Silicate Industry

Our Silica Sand is used in the silicate industry as a raw material for manufacturing sodium silicate and other silicate compounds. We offer our clients silica sand with the right chemical composition and particle size distribution for the silicate manufacturing process.

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Paints Industry

Silica sand and china clay are commonly used in the paints industry due to their unique properties. They are important components in the paints industry and play a vital role in improving the performance and appearance of paints.